Sunday, April 10, 2016

Liberating the Internet

The internet and social media. These are things that we w use every single day. The internet has some positive and some negative impacts about them. Some positive impacts about the internet and social media is the fact that we are able to get information easily. The negative impact about social media and the internet is that you can get cyber bullied. Especially in social media, for example people can say things to other people that is bad. This might lead to many bad things to happen. A thing that could happen because of this issue that people might have is suicidal thoughts and actions, which is very bad.

According to Wael Ghonim, there are five challenges facing today's social media. The first challenge is, "we don't know how to deal with rumors. Rumors that confirm people's biases are now believed and spread among millions of people." This means that rumors that people spread all over social media are the kind of things that make us get angry and that makes us to grow violent in social media. The second challenge is, "we create create our own echo chambers. We tend to only communicate with people that we agree with, and thanks to social media, we can mute un-follow and block everyone else." This means that we only talk to people that we like and that we agree with. It is also saying that the truth should be accepted by us and not just to listen to what others say because they are agreed by us. The third challenge is, "online discussions quickly descend on angry mods. All of us probably know that. It's as if we forget that the people behind the scenes are actually real people and not just avatars." This means that on social media discussions, people tend to get angry at each other and then the anger then results into fights. The fourth challenge is, our opinion can be hard to change on social media.The fifth challenge is, our social media helps to support the broadcasters rather than what helps what we like. It is like the social media users are talking against and to each other instead of talking with each other.

Next, Wael Ghonim also gives suggestions to "liberate the internet". First, he said that we have to learn how to fight and be prepared for the online harassment and online trolls. This is important because these online trolls and harassment are bad because they hurt people and make others think a certain way instead of thinking the right way. Harassment are bad because they make people feel bad and can cause serious problems to the people that love the internet. Next, he said that we nee to think about how to design social media experiences that promote civility and reward thoughtfulness. This means that we need to be able to know what is bad and what is good. If we are able to know what is bad, then we should be rewarded by doing the good that was done.

Finally, the main point of this is to show how Wael Ghonim feels about social media and its users and that we should just be good people when is comes to social media and make sure that we are doing the right thing always.

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